Daily Work of DBA:
1: Health check of the Database.
2: Viewing the Alert log file to analyze the ORA errors if any.
3: Tablespace Utilization.
4: Rebuilding of Indexes, if bulk load of data is inserted.
5: Viewing the temporary files, through the DBA_TEMP_FILES.
6: Database Growth Comparision.
7: User Management.
8: Backing up the archive log files.
9: Monitoring Backups.
10: Monitoring the log files, backups, database space usage and the use of system resources.
11: Exports/Imports
12: User Management
13: Monitoring Tablespace Segments
14: Monitoring Production Database Performance
15: Solving the ORA errors.
16: Take a COLD/RMAN backups at night time.
Weekly Work of DBA:
1: Growth of the Database.
2: Total full backup of the database through hot backup.
3: Taking logical backups, in case of physical backups failure.
4: Taking weekly Tablespace backup.
Monthly Work of DBA:
1: Index Rebuild.
2: Tablespace Reorganization.
Quarterly Work of DBA:
1: Patching
2: Database Reorganization
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